Climbing Walls Unlimited is a business purely involved with training and technical inspection sessions in climbing walls, along with the delivery of Mountain Training’s indoor climbing qualification schemes.

This Policy sets out our commitments to you, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and explains how we collect, store, and use your personal information.

When we hold or use your personal details the information below sets out what we hold about you (in particular, your contact details), how your personal information may be used, the reasons for these uses and what happens at the termination of your course or our contract with you.

The only reason that we hold your details is to facilitate your booking with us, either on a course or an inspection. We do not share your information with any other person or third party (other than Mountain Training for registration purposes, our instructional staff for information or emergency services if required), and we absolutely do not sell your information on to advertisers or other similar organisations.

What Data do we collect and how is this done?

  1. The main method for us to collect your data is via you submitting a booking form. This will contain details, entered by you, such as you your name, address, contact details and information relating to the type and date of course which you wish to attend, along with relevant medical information. The booking form is on our website and we receive the information that you enter once you press the ‘submit’ button.
  2. A second method is by email, usually following an emailed enquiry from you. Our reply might ask for further contact details.
  3. A third method is by telephone. You might contact us to enquire about a course or inspection and we may then record your telephone number or other contact details so that we may contact you at a later stage with the details that you require.

How we use your personal information

Your personal information is only used to facilitate issues such as booking on your course or arranging an inspection, the running of the course or inspection and to send you any relevant material (such as a certificate) at the completion of the course or inspection. The use of your personal details will include the following:

  1. Collection of personal and contact details, along with your course or inspection choice, so that we may then process that booking and provide you with a booking confirmation;
  2. reminders about payments;
  3. informing you of any changes to dates;
  4. informing you of updates to times, meeting points and any last-minute changes to your course or inspection schedule;
  5. to send you theory papers and other information related to aspects of training and assessment courses;
  6. to enter your registration number (for NGB courses), with the Mountain Training Candidate Management System, which allows for verification of your course registration;
  7. to give information relating to your name, contact details and medical declaration to instructional staff to use in relation to the course which you are attending;
  8. to pass any requested information to emergency services or other legal entity should the need arise during the duration of your course or training session;
  9. to facilitate a refund to you, if necessary, following the postponement or cancellation of your course, training session or inspection.

Financial Transations

Payment for our courses is made by BACS, PayPal or cheque. Once your payments have been made and the course or inspection has been completed, no details of your payment method will be retained, either on our computer system or written anywhere by hand.

How your details are held by us

  1. A copy of your booking form or other method of contact is held on computer in our office and a print-out of the same form is kept in the office file for ease of reference. Onto the printed form we add, by hand, our own information such as the date when a booking confirmation was sent, inspection information, any payments made, changes to dates, etc;
  2. copies of any emails from you, relevant to your course or inspection, might be kept in the appropriate courses or inspection folder on our office computer;
  3. information, given by you over the telephone, might be written down by hand and kept in a suitable place in case needed as a reference when dealing with any issues.

Security of your personal information

Only staff directly associated with our business have access to any details which you submit. This will include those in the office and potentially relevant information given out to instructional staff. Information relating to NGB courses will also be passed to the Mountain Training Candidate Management System. Your information will never be passed to any third party not directly involved in either our business or the delivery and administration of your course or inspection. We do not sell information on to advertisers.

For how long do we keep your personal information?

Your personal information is only kept until the point where your course or inspection is complete and all relevant administration has also been completed. Once this has been done, your emailed booking form, along with any other email communications relating to your course or inspection, are deleted from our computer and any paper copies are destroyed. The only exception to this would be if there were the need to retain your details in the case of an enquiry following an accident or some other legally based reason. In all other cases, all of your details will cease to exist on our system.

 If you have any questions about our privacy policy or about how your details are being managed, don’t hesitate to contact us on